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Treasure Island
This is my take on one of my favourites, Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Treasure Island'. I chose to adapt the second chapter because I feel it's an excellent setup for the rest of the story and works very well by itself. I designed the characters drawing inspiration from Don Bluth's style. I also tried to inject some humour into the scene to give it a modern cartoon sensibility since that's the kind of work I'd like to do.

Forest Goblins
This is a story of my own I made into an animatic which follows a young man wandering through a snowy landscape and encountering a skeleton blocking his path. The man runs away, until the creature threatens his new friends.

Captain's Log - Comic

This is another personal project I wrote and drew, with the first 3 pages here being coloured by Matt Tilley. It's a comedy about a courier pilot who crashes his spaceship on a remote planet full of strange aliens and bizarre civilisations.

The Black Pit - Comic

The Black Pit has been my side project for the last year or so, a dark fantasy comic centered on a monster hunting old woman dealing with a remote villages creature problem. This is an excerpt from that story.

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